Tuesday 17 April 2012

2 most worn clothing items :o)

Helllloooo me again ! So my second post is something I'm thinking of doing every month my 2 most worn pieces of clothing I'd love to know if you guys think this is a good idea so please leave your comments below :D now I know were not at the end of April yet yet so I'm going start with my two favourite pieces from March hope you enjoy :D
1)Disco Pants AA
2)Ragged Priest Studded Denim Jacket

5 Fav 'Mac' Lippies ...

Hi Guys! Hope you're all ok :o) I know I've said this in my last couple of posts but I want to apologise for my lack of posting ! I know I've been awful just life has got in the way but I'm back now and I'm hoping to post atleast once a week from here on in :o) also I said in my last post in going to set up a YouTube all about books that's still in the process so stay tuned ! Anyways back to today's post I'm actually going to do 2 posts as a way of catching up on myself so this one is something I planned to do a while back but never got round to my five fav Mac Lipsticks I'm a huge lover of Mac I don't shop there much what with it being so pricey but there are 5 lipsticks I constantly re-purchase so I thought I'd share them with you :o)

C x

Sunday 1 April 2012

Update & YouTube ...

Hey everyone ! Hope you're all ok :o) I firstly wanted to start this post by apologising for my posts or lack thereof ! The past few weeks have been a hell of a time for me, I won't go to much into details because ( I don't want you falling asleep in boredom ) Lol but to summarise my grandad has been I'll again ( one of the perils of getting into your older years) Lol . My anxiety has also been a big part of my life again lately I won't go to much into that because I just wrote a post on here a little while ago so check that out if you're interested in my panic attack and anxiety post. On the plus I'm having Cognitive Behavioural Therapy now and it's really helping me back on the right road at long last something else that I've been using as well as the therapy to get me through the bad days is reading (I know not everybody's cup of tea ) I'm often saddened by how many people I here saying they don't read or have never read a book because I think it's something we take for advantage there are so many books out there that have the ability to make you laugh, cry, cringe, scream sometimes all at the same time, they're also a brilliant way to take you out of your world and put you into somebody else's which leads me to my next point YouTube I've finally decided what to use my YouTube channel for BOOKs ! Hauls, Reviews Etc. hopefully I can give some inspiration to people to pick up books ( my blog will remain fashion&beauty) so that's it my update down I will do a further one when my first YouTube vid is is up probably the end of this week :o) so stay tuned C x